Powdered milk - 445r/kg of powdered whole milk (SCM) Powdered solid milk is obtained from normalized pasteurized cow's milk by drying. It must be produced in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard GOST 4495 - 87 "Solid powdered milk" according to the technological instructions for the production of solid cow's milk. Depending on the mass fraction of fat, this product is produced in the following types: powdered whole milk 25% fat; powdered milk for the production of baby food. Whole milk powder is widely used in the production of bakery products, sausages, as well as in the production of confectionery. Whole milk retains the properties of natural milk but has a longer shelf life. The shelf life of SCMs can be up to 8 months. The storage requirements for milk powder are extremely stringent as SCMs are often used in the production of baby food.
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