Mustard unrefined oil has a specific taste and a characteristic mustard smell.
You can buy mustard oil wholesale from the manufacturer by requesting a price list in the product card.
The oil contains many active substances: vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytoncides, phytosterols, chlorophyll, glycosides. The product also contains up to 12% saturated fat. The percentage composition may vary depending on the mustard variety, we give the average indicators:
Polyunsaturated (8-12% linolenic (Omega-3), 14-32% linoleic (Omega-6) and monounsaturated Omega-9 fatty acids (22-30% oleic, up to 5-42% erucic) in combination:
stabilize the work of blood vessels and the heart;
prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;
improve the elasticity of vascular walls and reduce blood viscosity;
normalize fat metabolism;
improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
they help to remove toxins, radionuclides, heavy metal salts;
maintain hormonal balance;
normalize the work of the endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems;
stimulate the brain, improve vision, memory and hearing;
prevent the development of oncology;
strengthen the immune system.
General characteristics
Cedar House
Country of origin
Russia ⠀
Expiration date
365 days
Gross weight
100 g
Type of packaging
glass containers ⠀
Nutritional value
Calorie content 100 g "Vegetable oils"
compose 898 kCal / 3757,23 KJ.
vegetable mustard oil, unrefined
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